26 Aug. 2021 - 29 Aug. 2021

#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatDate - HourPenalty
278221X30 SENIORMACKIE LewisFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 13:25+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
277391X30 SENIORRIBY HarveyBMRFinalSunday - 13:25+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
276395X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorSTRAWBERRY RACINGFinalSunday - 13:25+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
275203X30 SENIORSHIELDS CianKR MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
274224X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
273278X30 SENIORWALKER AaronSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓FinalSunday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
272269X30 SENIORBALOTA SamDHRFinalSunday - 13:24+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
271379X30 SENIORGRIGGS LucaSPIRIT-RACING.CHFinalSunday - 13:23+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
270297X30 SENIORLECERTUA LorensLLK BELGIUMFinalSunday - 13:23+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
269314X30 SENIORGILTAIRE EvanVDK RACINGFinalSunday - 13:23+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
268212X30 SENIORSTEVENHEYDENS YaniEUROKARTINGFinalSunday - 13:22+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
267364X30 SENIORGREENALL OliverFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 13:22+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
266243X30 SENIORRAVENSCROFT ClaytonKR-SPORTFinalSunday - 13:22+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
265396X30 SENIORBLOMQVIST IsacAD MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 13:21+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
263237X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ EliškaTEPZ RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 13:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for Track Limit
262243X30 SENIORRAVENSCROFT ClaytonKR-SPORTFinalSunday - 13:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
26156X30 JUNIORAARON FerrazzanoEURO KARTINGFinalSunday - 12:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
26060X30 JUNIORMURRAY SebastianPRIVATEERFinalSunday - 12:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
259114X30 JUNIORZHENRUI ChiTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTFinalSunday - 12:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25843X30 JUNIORFLUXA CROSS LucasFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 12:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25728X30 JUNIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT RACING.CHFinalSunday - 12:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
256128X30 JUNIORDOUGHTY BenCROC PROMOTIONFinalSunday - 12:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25523X30 JUNIORMC LAUGHLIN FionnFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 12:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25435X30 JUNIORBENITO FERRER AdrianMOL RACINGFinalSunday - 12:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25358X30 JUNIORALEXI ConstantPRIVATEERFinalSunday - 12:53+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
252132X30 JUNIORSTEVENS VicDAEMS RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 12:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
25160X30 JUNIORMURRAY SebastianPRIVATEERFinalSunday - 12:49+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
25042X30 JUNIORSTILP GabrielCROC PROMOTIONFinalSunday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
249114X30 JUNIORZHENRUI ChiTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTFinalSunday - 12:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
248927X30 MINIMACKIE HarrisonFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
247987X30 MINIBRALIC JasonPDB RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 12:08+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
246948X30 MINIMEUNIER SennaTYS RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 12:05+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
245971X30 MINIPRADIER ThomasPB KARTFinalSunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
244962X30 MINIBAGLIN NoahOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the FINAL. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
243961X30 MINIGODFROID EdouardEUROKARTINGFinalSunday - 12:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
242952X30 MINIVAN LEEUWEN QuintenPDB RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 11:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
241969X30 MININASSAR GeorgesGGMFinalSunday - 11:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
240996X30 MINIPAPENBURG TomDAN HOLLAND RACINGFinalSunday - 11:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
239911X30 MINIGILTAIRE ElyoKART MANAGEMENTFinalSunday - 11:58+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
238948X30 MINIMEUNIER SennaTYS RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 11:58+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
237978X30 MINIPERUZZI LeonidasOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
236987X30 MINIBRALIC JasonPDB RACING TEAMFinalSunday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
235939X30 MINIMARQUES MartimFUSION MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
234962X30 MINIBAGLIN NoahOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTFinalSunday - 11:56+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
233223X30 SENIORMATON NoahRSD KARTINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:06+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
232286X30 SENIORPEUGEOT EnzoPB KARTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:06+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
231393X30 SENIORDE LEON DarylKR SPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:06+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
230246X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDHRPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:05+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
229256X30 SENIORVALLVE MARTÍN SantiagoFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:05+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
228203X30 SENIORSHIELDS CianKR MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:05+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
227395X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorSTRAWBERRY RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:04+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
226221X30 SENIORMACKIE LewisFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:04+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
225278X30 SENIORWALKER AaronSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Pre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:04+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
224364X30 SENIORGREENALL OliverFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:03+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
223297X30 SENIORLECERTUA LorensLLK BELGIUMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 11:02+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
222346X30 SENIORHILTBRAND PedroFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:57+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
22159X30 JUNIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:48+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
220132X30 JUNIORSTEVENS VicDAEMS RACING TEAMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:47+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21960X30 JUNIORMURRAY SebastianPRIVATEERPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:47+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21856X30 JUNIORAARON FerrazzanoEURO KARTINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21783X30 JUNIORCLOSMENIL AdrienCQRPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
216122X30 JUNIORTRUKHIN YaroslavENERGY CORSE SRLPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21558X30 JUNIORALEXI ConstantPRIVATEERPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:46+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21443X30 JUNIORFLUXA CROSS LucasFUSION MOTORSPORTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:45+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21371X30 JUNIORMELI AngeloEUROKARTINGPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:45+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21269X30 JUNIORQUINCE ThomasCQRPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:45+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
21193X30 JUNIORQUINTARELLI MatteoGGMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:44+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in the Pre-Final. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for leaving the track (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
21083X30 JUNIORCLOSMENIL AdrienCQRPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:42+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
209114X30 JUNIORZHENRUI ChiTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:39+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in the Pre-Final. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
208952X30 MINIVAN LEEUWEN QuintenPDB RACING TEAMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
207911X30 MINIGILTAIRE ElyoKART MANAGEMENTPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
206987X30 MINIBRALIC JasonPDB RACING TEAMPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
205947X30 MINISMITH BenFUSIONPre Final 1-30 QH + 6 SCHSunday - 10:27+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Pre-Final. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
203394X30 SENIORKADAPIK RimmoAD MOTOSPORTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:38+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
202382X30 SENIORALKHALED FahedBIRELART MIDDLE EASTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:38+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
201351X30 SENIORMARGUGLIO AdrienRSD KARTINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
200384X30 SENIORMAST MaxDUTT MOTORSPORTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
199228X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ PetraTEPZ RACING TEAMSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
198227X30 SENIORBAAS IsabellaWJS RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:36+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
197222X30 SENIORJANSSEN DrekeDFKSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:36+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
196388X30 SENIORRUIQI LiuEGP RACING TEAMSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:36+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
195386X30 SENIORKOCH JulienMS RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:35+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
194284X30 SENIORBOLLIET MaloKLNSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:35+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
193260X30 SENIORLARTIGAU LazareVICTORYLANE KARTINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:35+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
192249X30 SENIORARENDI HugoDHRSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:35+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
191381X30 SENIORALMARSHAD MarshadBIRELART MIDDLE EASTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:34+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
190360X30 SENIORAGHA KamalGGMSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:34+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
189381X30 SENIORALMARSHAD MarshadBIRELART MIDDLE EASTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:47DSQ from competition download
Statement: Disqualification from the Competition. | Reason: Disqualification from the Competition for ignoring of Black flag
188945X30 MINIBOURGUIGNON RayaneDAN HOLLAND RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:06+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
187813X30 MINILEWIS RupertAC MOTORSPORTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:06+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
186813X30 MINILEWIS RupertAC MOTORSPORTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:00+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in Second Chance Heat 31-66. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
18592X30 JUNIORMEERSCHAUT MattizPDB RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
184131X30 JUNIORVAN DUYVENVOORDE YirohPDB RACING TEAMSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
18321X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
182106X30 JUNIORLAHNALAHTI NicoTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
181132X30 JUNIORSTEVENS VicDAEMS RACING TEAMSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
180105X30 JUNIORHOUGHTON LucaBIRELART BAHRAINSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 17:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
179141X30 JUNIORDANTAS NathanMONLAU COMPETICIÓNSecond Chance Heat 31-66Saturday - 18:02+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
178382X30 SENIORALKHALED FahedBIRELART MIDDLE EASTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:21+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
177271X30 SENIORDELLATTI FrançoisDAEMS RACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:21+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
176246X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDHRQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
175213X30 SENIORLACREUSE EnzoLKRQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
174243X30 SENIORRAVENSCROFT ClaytonKR-SPORTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
173392X30 SENIORGORDON SiennaBMRQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
172286X30 SENIORPEUGEOT EnzoPB KARTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
171317X30 SENIORMATHYS FagbemiEUROKARTIINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 17:30DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qyalifying Heat B-C. | Reason: Disqualified for non permitted assistance in pre grid area (Art. 2.22 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions)
170394X30 SENIORKADAPIK RimmoAD MOTOSPORTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
169396X30 SENIORBLOMQVIST IsacAD MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
168224X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 17:04+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
167245X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminDHRQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 17:03+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
166313X30 SENIORELKIN ArielVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-D. Warning Flag After the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
165996X30 MINIPAPENBURG TomDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
164969X30 MININASSAR GeorgesGGMQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
163952X30 MINIVAN LEEUWEN QuintenPDB RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
162932X30 MINIBÁBÍČEK ZdeněkTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
161813X30 MINILEWIS RupertAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
160962X30 MINIBAGLIN NoahOLIVER ROWLAND MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
159979X30 MINIMURRAY MaxPRIVATEERQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
158907X30 MINIBONGARTZ AnthonyEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
157961X30 MINIGODFROID EdouardEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
156919X30 MINICUTHBERT MaxFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:53+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
155916X30 MINIBAAS RobertoWJS RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
154948X30 MINIMEUNIER SennaTYS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
153987X30 MINIBRALIC JasonPDB RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
15269X30 JUNIORQUINCE ThomasCQRQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:41+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for causing an incident (Art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
15192X30 JUNIORMEERSCHAUT MattizPDB RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:27+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
15083X30 JUNIORCLOSMENIL AdrienCQRQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:32+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (Art2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
14920X30 JUNIORPOULAIN ArthurPB KARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:22+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (Art2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
14887X30 JUNIORPHILLIPS VinnieSTRAWBERRY RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:13+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (Art2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
14756X30 JUNIORAARON FerrazzanoEURO KARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 16:07+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking under yellow flag conditions (Art2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
145134X30 JUNIORUBBEN SverreTK RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:03+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
144143X30 JUNIORVAN VOSKUILEN SamWJS RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:02+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14392X30 JUNIORMEERSCHAUT MattizPDB RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:02+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14263X30 JUNIORVUIK HenkPDBQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:02+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14125X30 JUNIORISCHER EthanSPIRIT RACING.CHQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14059X30 JUNIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13943X30 JUNIORFLUXA CROSS LucasFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
138186X30 JUNIORWOUTERS MircoEGPQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13760X30 JUNIORMURRAY SebastianPRIVATEERQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13639X30 JUNIORARIAS CHAVARRI IvanAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-DSaturday - 16:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13062X30 JUNIORDUROSNE KimiVICTORY LANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:51+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
129129X30 JUNIORPHILIPPE ARMAND KarrasPBKART / MAITOS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:44+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12893X30 JUNIORQUINTARELLI MatteoGGMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:43+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
127106X30 JUNIORLAHNALAHTI NicoTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:43+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
126123X30 JUNIORVANHULLE JulesDELRÉ RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:43+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
125128X30 JUNIORDOUGHTY BenCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:43+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
124127X30 JUNIORJEAN PAUL KarrasPBKART / MAITOS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:42+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12372X30 JUNIORTHIEN JaydenRR RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:42+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12262X30 JUNIORDUROSNE KimiVICTORY LANE KARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:42+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12119X30 JUNIORLE KanatoSTRAWBERRY RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
120392X30 SENIORGORDON SiennaBMRQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
119364X30 SENIORGREENALL OliverFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
118213X30 SENIORLACREUSE EnzoLKRQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
117391X30 SENIORRIBY HarveyBMRQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
116360X30 SENIORAGHA KamalGGMQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:49+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
115289X30 SENIORVOS MikaVVRACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
114243X30 SENIORRAVENSCROFT ClaytonKR-SPORTQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:48+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
113320X30 SENIORBRADSHAW CallumSTRAWBERRY RACINGQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:47+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
112319X30 SENIORGOGOLLOK PhilippCV PERFORMANCE GROUPQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:47+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
111234X30 SENIORVAN SOELEN SennaWJSQualifying Heat B-ESaturday - 14:52+3s download
Statement: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor | Reason: 3 seconds penalty for partly leaving corridor. Art 2.20 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions
110397X30 SENIORKALUS NiklasM.S. RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:21+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
109227X30 SENIORBAAS IsabellaWJS RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
108317X30 SENIORMATHYS FagbemiEUROKARTIINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
107393X30 SENIORDE LEON DarylKR SPORTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
106310X30 SENIORVAN DER BURG BerendKWM | PDB RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
105212X30 SENIORSTEVENHEYDENS YaniEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
104286X30 SENIORPEUGEOT EnzoPB KARTQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
103313X30 SENIORELKIN ArielVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:16+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat A-C. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for leaving the track (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
102246X30 SENIORFLEMING ThomasDHRQualifying Heat A-CSaturday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-C. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
100945X30 MINIBOURGUIGNON RayaneDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
99907X30 MINIBONGARTZ AnthonyEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
98948X30 MINIMEUNIER SennaTYS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
97969X30 MININASSAR GeorgesGGMQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:52+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
96149X30 JUNIORBLONK RiemerPDB RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:14+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
9593X30 JUNIORQUINTARELLI MatteoGGMQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:14+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
9426X30 JUNIOROUTRAN ClémentVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:13+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
93141X30 JUNIORDANTAS NathanMONLAU COMPETICIÓNQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:11+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
92119X30 JUNIORRAMAEKERS ThibautEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:11+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
91134X30 JUNIORUBBEN SverreTK RACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:10+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
9039X30 JUNIORARIAS CHAVARRI IvanAC MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:10+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
89127X30 JUNIORJEAN PAUL KarrasPBKART / MAITOS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:10+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
8856X30 JUNIORAARON FerrazzanoEURO KARTINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:09+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
8783X30 JUNIORCLOSMENIL AdrienCQRQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:09+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
86132X30 JUNIORSTEVENS VicDAEMS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:09+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
8521X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGQualifying Heat A-DSaturday - 13:06DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat A-D. | Reason: Disqualified for non permitted assistance in pre grid area (Art. 2.22 CIK-FIA General Prescriptions)
844X30 JUNIORHARRISON BartMICK BARRETT RACINGQualifying Heat B-CSaturday - 13:06+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat B-C. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for incorrect position at the start (art 2.20 CIK General Prescriptions)
82388X30 SENIORRUIQI LiuEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:44+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty in Qualifying Heat D-E. | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for leaving the track (art 2.24 CIK General Prescriptions)
81351X30 SENIORMARGUGLIO AdrienRSD KARTINGQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:39+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
80385X30 SENIORKISCHKAT TimoDUTT MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:38+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
79389X30 SENIORPLATTEN HarryBMRQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:38+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
78223X30 SENIORMATON NoahRSD KARTINGQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:38+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
77224X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
76278X30 SENIORWALKER AaronSTRAWBERRY RACING 🍓Qualifying Heat D-ESaturday - 12:26+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat D-E. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
75310X30 SENIORVAN DER BURG BerendKWM | PDB RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:43DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
74319X30 SENIORGOGOLLOK PhilippCV PERFORMANCE GROUPQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
73384X30 SENIORMAST MaxDUTT MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
72289X30 SENIORVOS MikaVVRACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
71245X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminDHRQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
70243X30 SENIORRAVENSCROFT ClaytonKR-SPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:15+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
69256X30 SENIORVALLVE MARTÍN SantiagoFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:15+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
68212X30 SENIORSTEVENHEYDENS YaniEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:15+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
67314X30 SENIORGILTAIRE EvanVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 12:15+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
66969X30 MININASSAR GeorgesGGMQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 12:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
65911X30 MINIGILTAIRE ElyoKART MANAGEMENTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 12:01+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
64961X30 MINIGODFROID EdouardEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 12:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
63987X30 MINIBRALIC JasonPDB RACING TEAMQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 12:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
62960X30 MINITAAL LuukFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:58DSQ download
Statement: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity – weight
61914X30 MINILELAURE NilsDIMOKARTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:46+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
60945X30 MINIBOURGUIGNON RayaneDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
59907X30 MINIBONGARTZ AnthonyEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
58928X30 MINIGALMICHE VictorTOP CHRONO COMPETITIONQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
57105X30 JUNIORHOUGHTON LucaBIRELART BAHRAINQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:18+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
56123X30 JUNIORVANHULLE JulesDELRÉ RACINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:18+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
5560X30 JUNIORMURRAY SebastianPRIVATEERQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:18+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
54129X30 JUNIORPHILIPPE ARMAND KarrasPBKART / MAITOS RACING TEAMQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:18+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
5343X30 JUNIORFLUXA CROSS LucasFUSION MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
5225X30 JUNIORISCHER EthanSPIRIT RACING.CHQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
5183X30 JUNIORCLOSMENIL AdrienCQRQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
5022X30 JUNIORRIFAI FedericoKR-SPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 11:17+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
49109X30 JUNIORPEEBLES Griffin ForrestTEAM DRIVER RACING KARTQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4859X30 JUNIORGENE CASANOVAS EricMOL RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4763X30 JUNIORVUIK HenkPDBQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 11:00+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
46134X30 JUNIORUBBEN SverreTK RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4571X30 JUNIORMELI AngeloEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4492X30 JUNIORMEERSCHAUT MattizPDB RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:59+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
43161X30 JUNIORGELADE ThibauldGEPA RACINGQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:58+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
42192X30 JUNIORKAMEN JulianEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:58+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4128X30 JUNIORRABIN KevinSPIRIT RACING.CHQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:58+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4042X30 JUNIORSTILP GabrielCROC PROMOTIONQualifying Heat A-BSaturday - 10:56 download
Statement: Cancellation of the penalty at the session concerned (given following Stewards Decision Document No. 39.) | Reason: Cancellation of penalty given by doc. No. 39.
38394X30 SENIORKADAPIK RimmoAD MOTOSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:46DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat C-D. | Reason: Disqualified for technical non conformity
37284X30 SENIORBOLLIET MaloKLNQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:39+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
36316X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
35270X30 SENIORGOLDSTEIN ElieVDK RACINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
34397X30 SENIORKALUS NiklasM.S. RACING TEAMQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:37+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
33385X30 SENIORKISCHKAT TimoDUTT MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:36+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
32394X30 SENIORKADAPIK RimmoAD MOTOSPORTQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:36+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
31351X30 SENIORMARGUGLIO AdrienRSD KARTINGQualifying Heat C-DSaturday - 10:43+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
30313X30 SENIORELKIN ArielVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:23+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat A-E. Warning Flag after the flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
29245X30 SENIORHOVELACQUE BenjaminDHRQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
28282X30 SENIORPOST JaydenDAEMS RACINGQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:20+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
27203X30 SENIORSHIELDS CianKR MOTORSPORTQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
26212X30 SENIORSTEVENHEYDENS YaniEUROKARTINGQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
25249X30 SENIORARENDI HugoDHRQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
24314X30 SENIORGILTAIRE EvanVDK RACINGQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:19+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
23297X30 SENIORLECERTUA LorensLLK BELGIUMQualifying Heat A-ESaturday - 10:18+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
22213X30 SENIORLACREUSE EnzoLKRQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 18:38+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
21284X30 SENIORBOLLIET MaloKLNQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 18:36+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag after the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
20317X30 SENIORMATHYS FagbemiEUROKARTIINGQualifying Heat C-EFriday - 18:34+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat C-E. Warning Flag After the race | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
19210X30 SENIORATKINS KhaliCROC PROMOTIONSQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 18:13DSQ download
Statement: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat B-D bad behavior | Reason: Disqualification from Qualifying Heat B-D bad behavior - Appendix B of the FIA International Sporting Code.
18283X30 SENIORSTEENMAN DaanPDB RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 18:04+5s download
Statement: 5 sec time penalty in qualifying heat B-D. Warning Flag | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for bad manoeuvre
17316X30 SENIORMONNOT AlexandreVICTORYLANE KARTINGQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
16224X30 SENIORVANMEERT SitaEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:57+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
15388X30 SENIORRUIQI LiuEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:56+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
14271X30 SENIORDELLATTI FrançoisDAEMS RACINGQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:56+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
13284X30 SENIORBOLLIET MaloKLNQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:55+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
12210X30 SENIORATKINS KhaliCROC PROMOTIONSQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
11237X30 SENIORBÁBÍČKOVÁ EliškaTEPZ RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
10395X30 SENIORJUPP ConnorSTRAWBERRY RACINGQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:54+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
7388X30 SENIORRUIQI LiuEGP RACING TEAMQualifying Heat B-DFriday - 17:46+10s download
Statement: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line | Reason: 10 sec time penalty for overtaking after the Red Line (art 2.20 G CIK General Prescriptions)
5282X30 SENIORPOST JaydenDAEMS RACINGQualifying Heat C-EFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
4387X30 SENIORVILLE NicolasDSSQualifying Heat C-EFriday - 17:16+5s download
Statement: 5 s time penalty in the session above. | Reason: 5 sec time penalty for front fairing not in correct position
3945X30 MINIBOURGUIGNON RayaneDAN HOLLAND RACINGQualifying Practice Group 2Friday - 14:38 download
Statement: A fine of 125 Euros (immediately payable) | Reason: -
221X30 JUNIORJOSLYN HenryMICK BARRETT RACINGQualifying Practice Group 1Friday - 14:21 download
Statement: A fine of 125 Euros (immediately payable) | Reason: -
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