TVKC Championship Round 7

2 Nov. 2024 - 3 Nov. 2024

#TitlePosting Time

Final Instructions

Final Instructions for the Event, any amendments via Event Bulletin

Wednesday - 17:41 download

Event Timetable

Official Timetable for the Event, any amendments via Event Bulletin

Wednesday - 17:41 download
#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
141154Junior RotaxNOLAN DevonRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:521 Lap download
Statement: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times (Final instructions + SR's) | Reason: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times
140262Junior RotaxDENHOLM ColeDan Holland RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:52+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
139132Senior RotaxHOLBROOK GeorgePrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 17:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
13818Senior RotaxNEAVE OwenPrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 17:39DSQ download
Statement: U17.5.5 - Attempting to tamper with or reattach the front fairing during Race/TQ | Reason: U17.5.5 - Attempting to tamper with or reattach the front fairing during Race/TQ
13730Senior RotaxPERILLY JamieJAXX MotorsportRace 24 - FinalSunday - 17:34+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
13686Junior X30SHENTON Rocco-LeonRace 22 - FinalSunday - 17:18+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start
13520Water SwiftBUTTARAZZI EnzoPrivateerRace 21 - FinalSunday - 16:56+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
13418Junior RotaxMURDOCK BraithKMSRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
13429Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134120Junior RotaxLAPPER AlbieStrawberry RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134142Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134157Junior RotaxGRUN JakobRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134188Junior RotaxLOVATT ArchieSam Pollitt RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134200Junior RotaxWARR OscarRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134237Junior RotaxVAIRY CharlieST RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134262Junior RotaxDENHOLM ColeDan Holland RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
134331Junior RotaxSIMS CallumTeam EvolutionRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
13326Junior RotaxWALKER MikeyJAXX MotorsportRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
13287Junior RotaxTHOMPSON AlfieTeam EvolutionRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
13182Junior RotaxRADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
130154Junior RotaxNOLAN DevonRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
12976Water SwiftNOLAN JamesRace 21 - FinalFriday - 10:27 download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
12868Senior RotaxHOLGATE AlexGMSRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:37+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
12892Senior RotaxLEONARD KieranPrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:37+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
128132Senior RotaxHOLBROOK GeorgePrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:37+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
127192Senior RotaxWEST JackKR-SportRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:37+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
12612Water SwiftACKERMAN JensenPrivateerRace 21 - FinalSunday - 16:31+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
12526MiniMax 950RADCLIFFE HarrySam Pollitt RacingRace 20 - FinalSunday - 16:31DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety (DSQ from race) | Reason: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety
12470MiniMax 950SPAIN EdPrivateerRace 20 - FinalSunday - 16:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
12325Senior X30MAYELL GeorgeS8 RacingRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
12340Senior X30HOUGHTON SamS8 RacingRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
123122Senior X30STANSFIELD TyPrivateerRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
1227MiniMax 950HAYNES EdwardStrawberry RacingRace 20 - FinalSunday - 16:20 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
12122Junior X30RICHARDSON AaronPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 16:13+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
12035CadetsFARRER DaxStrawberry RacingRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 15:41 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
11911Water SwiftGRAHAM CallumPrivateerRace 21 - FinalSunday - 15:21+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
11785CadetsCLIMO TommyColes RacingRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 15:18+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1169MiniMax 950CORMACK JoshKR-SportRace 20 - FinalSunday - 15:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
11514MiniMax 950PAYNE JaidenPrivateerRace 20 - FinalSunday - 15:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
11562MiniMax 950RACKAITIS RalphZip Factory TeamRace 20 - FinalSunday - 15:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
114233Junior RotaxSALES NoahJAXX MotorsportRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 15:00 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
11362Senior RotaxMCGILVRAY MacKraft MotorsportRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:471 Lap download
Statement: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times (Final instructions + SR's) | Reason: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times
11222WCadetsWILLIAMS-MABBS LouisPrivateerRace 19 - Water Swift (R) FinalSunday - 14:45+5s download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race
111221Senior RotaxHANSON VictorSam Pollitt RacingRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:42DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag (ignored more than once) | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag
11035CadetsFARRER DaxStrawberry RacingRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 14:30+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10926CadetsANDREW ZachHunter MotorsportRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 14:30+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
10885CadetsCLIMO TommyColes RacingRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 14:30+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
10762CadetsUZUNOV DimitarGMSRace 18 - MicroMax UK FinalSunday - 14:30+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
106122Junior RotaxTURECEK AdamPrivateerRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10572Junior RotaxNEALE JoeMLCRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10417Junior RotaxPLOWMAN JayjayST RacingRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10472Junior RotaxNEALE JoeMLCRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10499Junior RotaxTURNER ZachRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
104210Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
104299Junior RotaxWENGRAF FredrikJDRRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10325Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryGMSRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10225Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryGMSRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:17+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
101178Senior X30MORRIS AnnaRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:17 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
10011Water SwiftGRAHAM CallumPrivateerRace 13 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:58+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9911Water SwiftGRAHAM CallumPrivateerRace 13 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:58+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
98221Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:58 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
9710Senior RotaxLILLEY JackStrawberry RacingRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
96127Senior RotaxTESTER JamesJDRRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95142Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 13:26+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
94101Senior X30NETTLESHIP JackPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:34+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94142Senior X30OSBALDESTON NoahRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:34+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94278Senior X30DABEK NataliaOptimaRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:34+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
93142Senior X30OSBALDESTON NoahRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:26+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9282Junior RotaxRADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:22+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9199Junior RotaxTURNER ZachRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:22+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9047MiniMax 950WHITE RyanJAXX MotorsportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:21+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
8932Junior X30CARLTON-SENIOR LeandroOptimaRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:18+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
8857Junior X30EDMUNDS CameronOptimaRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
8866Junior X30WRIGHT MaxSWRDRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
88221Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
88242Junior X30PATEL DylanPSRRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
87166Junior RotaxARCHER WilliamSam Pollitt RacingRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:18+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
86222Junior RotaxFOX-WHITELEY JaredJAXX MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:18+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
85143Junior RotaxORTON JosephRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:18+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
8474Junior RotaxKING CharlieStrawberry RacingRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:18+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
8397MiniMax 950PRICE LarryMLCRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 13:18 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
8226Junior RotaxWALKER MikeyJAXX MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
8135CadetsFARRER DaxStrawberry RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 13:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
80424Junior RotaxWHITE OliverHunter MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:48 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
7942MiniMax 950SMITH LucienKR-SportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7945MiniMax 950HILTON JacksonHunter MotorsportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7965MiniMax 950BARTON OliverRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
78132Senior RotaxHOLBROOK GeorgePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:36+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7781Senior RotaxFOLLAND BenTooley MotorsportRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:36+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7638MiniMax 950VELICKO IlyaRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:44+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
7555Senior RotaxGOODYEAR OllieRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:36+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7413WCadetsPLOWMAN JesseOMS KartingRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7494CadetsARMIT MaxSaltire MotorsportRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7367CadetsBURROUGHS EddisonSam Pollitt RacingRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:21+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7218CadetsMASIOKAS BenediktasPrivateerRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:21+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
71220Senior X30HOUSLEY FreddiePrivateerRace 7 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:21+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7047WCadetsCHANDLER ReggiePrivateerRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:21+5s download
Statement: U7.8.1 - Jump start | Reason: U7.8.1 - Jump start
6955Junior X30DODDS AlexRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:14+10s download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race
6870Water SwiftWORTLEY GraysonPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
679MiniMax 950CORMACK JoshKR-SportRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:10+10s download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
6625Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryGMSRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6672Junior RotaxNEALE JoeMLCRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6676Junior RotaxALI HarisST RacingRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
66122Junior RotaxTURECEK AdamPrivateerRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
66288Junior RotaxYAU JosephRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
66999Junior RotaxCOSTELLO RossiEvolve MotorsportRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6532Junior X30CARLTON-SENIOR LeandroOptimaRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
64167Junior RotaxMEEK OliverPrivateerRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:06+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
6322Junior RotaxBARHAM NoahDHRRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:06+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
6276Water SwiftNOLAN JamesRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:06 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
61111Junior RotaxREYNOLDS AvaRace 10 - Heat 4Sunday - 12:03+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
609MiniMax 950CORMACK JoshKR-SportRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:03 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
5930MiniMax 950JOLLY MaxHunter MotorsportRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
5813Junior RotaxPAUL SameerPrivateerRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5829Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
58200Junior RotaxWARR OscarRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
58777Junior RotaxMCBAIN AlfieHunter MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 3Sunday - 11:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5755Senior RotaxGOODYEAR OllieRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5759Senior RotaxBLANTFORD LucasPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5792Senior RotaxLEONARD KieranPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
57117Senior RotaxCROWTHER HarrisonColes RacingRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
57127Senior RotaxTESTER JamesJDRRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
57180Senior RotaxTUBBY ConnorRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
56169Senior RotaxINGRAM FreddieKR-SportRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:42+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
5517Junior RotaxPLOWMAN JayjayST RacingRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:401 Lap download
Statement: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times (Final instructions + SR's) | Reason: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times
54119Junior RotaxFRIEND AlbertStrawberry RacingRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:40+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
53188Junior RotaxLOVATT ArchieSam Pollitt RacingRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:28 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
52118Senior X30WANG GeorgeRace 7 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:27+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
52157Senior X30JUREWICZ PiotrRace 7 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:27+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
51101Senior X30NETTLESHIP JackPrivateerRace 7 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:27+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
50311Junior RotaxSARGESON HarveyJDRRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
4928Junior X30MARPLES JacobRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4946Junior X30DE BENEDITTIS AlexanderSWRDRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4955Junior X30DODDS AlexRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4966Junior X30WRIGHT MaxSWRDRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4977Junior X30BLENKINSOP CharlieRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
49123Junior X30GUNNING HarleyRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4825Water SwiftNAIRN JacobRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:04+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
47210Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:04+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
4697MiniMax 950PRICE LarryMLCRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
45167Junior RotaxMEEK OliverPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
4423Water SwiftFONGE ZavierEvolve MotorsportRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4425Water SwiftNAIRN JacobRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4428Water SwiftANGUS SethPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4461Water SwiftCHAMPNEY ZacPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4470Water SwiftWORTLEY GraysonPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4487Water SwiftWELSH LiamPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:53+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4359MiniMax 950MAIR AlfieStrawberry RacingRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
4267CadetsBURROUGHS EddisonSam Pollitt RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:51+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
41237Junior RotaxVAIRY CharlieST RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:51 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
409MiniMax 950CORMACK JoshKR-SportRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4022MiniMax 950JEBSON NoahRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4044MiniMax 950BRADSHAW TheoRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4087MiniMax 950TIPPING CameronTooley MotorsportRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3933CadetsPAGE CharlieSynergy Factory TeamRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:34+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
3828CadetsBLACKSHAW FreddieST RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:34+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
3757CadetsALLAN RonnieMLCRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:34+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
36777Junior RotaxMCBAIN AlfieHunter MotorsportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
35336Junior RotaxTOMENCHUK VladKR-SportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
3413Junior RotaxPAUL SameerPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race
3325Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryGMSRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
3213Junior RotaxPAUL SameerPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:28+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
31111Junior RotaxREYNOLDS AvaRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:28+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
3057CadetsALLAN RonnieMLCRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3085CadetsCLIMO TommyColes RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2913Junior RotaxPAUL SameerPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2976Junior RotaxALI HarisST RacingRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2982Junior RotaxRADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingRace 2 - Heat 2Sunday - 10:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
28336Junior RotaxTOMENCHUK VladKR-SportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:01+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
2724Junior RotaxHOUSE EuanColes RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2763Junior RotaxLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2787Junior RotaxTHOMPSON AlfieTeam EvolutionRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
27100Junior RotaxSOUTHAN BlakeJDRRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
27146Junior RotaxBELL EllisColes RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
27243Junior RotaxWILKINSON MaxRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
27424Junior RotaxWHITE OliverHunter MotorsportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
27777Junior RotaxMCBAIN AlfieHunter MotorsportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
26132Junior RotaxBAKER BenjaminDan Holland RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 09:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
2513WCadetsPLOWMAN JesseOMS KartingWarm UpSunday - 09:49 download
Statement: Q12.21.3 - Driver May rejoin the circuit if safe to do so and without Gaining Advantage | Reason: Q12.21.3 - Driver May rejoin the circuit if safe to do so and without Gaining Advantage
2437Junior RotaxBAKER JackWarm UpSunday - 09:45DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety (DSQ from Meeting) | Reason: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety
2328Senior RotaxCLARKE NeoDan Holland RacingTimed QualiSaturday - 17:18 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
2240Senior X30HOUGHTON SamS8 RacingTimed QualiSaturday - 17:11DSQ download
Statement: U17.29 - Underweight | Reason: U17.29 - Underweight
2194Junior X30BROWN AlfieTimed QualiSaturday - 17:061 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
20243Junior X30ZHU PinmuPSRTimed QualiSaturday - 17:031 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Q12.21.3 - Driver May rejoin the circuit if safe to do so and without Gaining Advantage | Reason: Q12.21.3 - Driver May rejoin the circuit if safe to do so and without Gaining Advantage
1946Junior X30DE BENEDITTIS AlexanderSWRDTimed QualiSaturday - 16:541 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race
1866Junior X30WRIGHT MaxSWRDTimed QualiSaturday - 16:491 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race
1766Junior X30WRIGHT MaxSWRDTimed QualiSaturday - 16:491 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race
1624Junior X30GRAY ThomasS8 RacingTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1628Junior X30MARPLES JacobTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1632Junior X30CARLTON-SENIOR LeandroOptimaTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1646Junior X30DE BENEDITTIS AlexanderSWRDTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1656Junior X30HIGGINS EthanS8 RacingTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
16122Junior X30BROOK JakeTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
16221Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaTimed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1542CadetsPHAROAH AlbertDan Holland RacingMicroMax UK Timed QualiSaturday - 16:281 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1443CadetsMARTIN RalphRCEMicroMax UK Timed QualiSaturday - 16:15 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
1330MiniMax 950JOLLY MaxHunter MotorsportTimed QualiSaturday - 16:051 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
12210Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:591 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1118Junior RotaxMURDOCK BraithKMSTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:531 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1019CadetsDARLOW JensonMick Barrett RacingMicroMax UK Timed QualiSaturday - 15:401 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1030CadetsMCGILL KhloeJAXX MotorsportMicroMax UK Timed QualiSaturday - 15:401 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
1033CadetsPAGE CharlieSynergy Factory TeamMicroMax UK Timed QualiSaturday - 15:401 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
938Junior RotaxHASTIE LeonKraft MotorsportTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
963Junior RotaxLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
982Junior RotaxRADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
9146Junior RotaxBELL EllisColes RacingTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
9233Junior RotaxSALES NoahJAXX MotorsportTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
9331Junior RotaxSIMS CallumTeam EvolutionTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:311 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
817Junior RotaxPLOWMAN JayjayST RacingTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:201 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
7223Senior RotaxMITCHELL DavidKraft MotorsportPractice 5Saturday - 15:15 download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control
630MiniMax 950JOLLY MaxHunter MotorsportPractice 4Saturday - 13:38 download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control
583CadetsCLIMO GeorgeColes RacingPractice 3Saturday - 12:23 download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control
426Junior RotaxWALKER MikeyJAXX MotorsportPractice 3Saturday - 11:58 download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control
359Senior RotaxBLANTFORD LucasPrivateerPractice 2Saturday - 11:35DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal
© Apex Timing 2012-2025