TVKC Ice Breaker Cup

4 Jan. 2025 - 5 Jan. 2025

#TitlePosting Time

Final Instructions

Final Instructions for the Event, any amendments via Bulletin

Thursday - 17:53 download

Event Timetable

Official Timetable fro the Event, any amendments via Bulletin

Thursday - 17:53 download
#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
91187Senior RotaxTHOMPSON AlfieTeam EvolutionRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:57DSQ download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (Race DSQ) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (Race DSQ)
9057Senior RotaxANTROBUS WilliamSam Pollitt RacingRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:57DSQ download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (Race DSQ) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (Race DSQ)
8954Senior RotaxGREGORY HenryMLCRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:51 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
8824Senior RotaxROBEY MilesTooley MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8830Senior RotaxTYLER RossJAXX MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8854Senior RotaxGREGORY HenryMLCRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8856Senior RotaxKING MarcusPrivateerRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8862Senior RotaxMCGILVRAY MacKraft MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88123Senior RotaxROBINSON GeorgeJDRRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88126Senior RotaxFOX JoePrecision RacingRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88141Senior RotaxHARE LloydDan Holland RacingRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88144Senior RotaxBLOOR HarryPrecision RacingRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88174Senior RotaxHARVEY LouisRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
88223Senior RotaxMITCHELL DavidKraft MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8773Senior RotaxRENNIE TristanKraft MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
86223Senior RotaxMITCHELL DavidKraft MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+3s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s)
8562Senior RotaxMCGILVRAY MacKraft MotorsportRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:52+3s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s)
8437Senior RotaxBAKER JackSam Pollitt RacingRace 18 - A FinalSunday - 15:24+3s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+3s)
83167Junior RotaxMEEK OliverRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:19+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
8217Junior RotaxHOLLAND HarryRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8223Junior RotaxFOX-WHITELEY JaredJAXX MotorsportRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8236Junior RotaxLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8239Junior RotaxBENNETT DejaunRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8242Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8273Junior RotaxTOMENCHUK VladKR-SportRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
8278Junior RotaxFREEMAN HarryPrivateerRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82118Junior RotaxCHALK JensonMLCRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82167Junior RotaxMEEK OliverRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82199Junior RotaxOWEN RhysGuy Cunnington RacingRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82232Junior RotaxBISHOP RileyXKartRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82234Junior RotaxPOPAKUL MarcelKMSRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
82238Junior RotaxSUMNER LewisXKartRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 15:07+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
80154Junior RotaxCOLBERT MaxPrivateerRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 14:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7952Junior RotaxKELL JamesRace 17 - A FinalSunday - 14:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+5s)
7818Senior X30PRICE JamesS8 RacingRace 16 - FinalSunday - 14:43+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7821Senior X30MAYELL GeorgeS8 RacingRace 16 - FinalSunday - 14:43+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
78116Senior X30ALLAN SpencerMDLRace 16 - FinalSunday - 14:43+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7720Junior X30MYERS HarryOptimaRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:36+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7721Junior X30MUSK HarleyFusion MotorsportRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:36+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7771Junior X30MASON MaxRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:36+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
77159Junior X30WYLIE AlexS8 RacingRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:36+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7675Junior X30YUILL MaxMick Barrett RacingRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:19+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7581Junior X30ENDACOTT MaxJade Racing TeamRace 15 - FinalSunday - 14:19+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7383MiniMax 950WARD AlfieMLCRace 13 - Final Sunday - 14:09 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
7238Water SwiftFORKES ChesterRace 14 - Final Sunday - 14:01+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7227Water SwiftOWEN EfanJamie Green RacingRace 14 - Final Sunday - 14:01+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7293Water SwiftHODGES NathanielRace 14 - Final Sunday - 14:01+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7276Water SwiftNOLAN JamesRace 14 - Final Sunday - 14:01+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7233Water SwiftHIBBERT MaysonFusion MotorsportRace 14 - Final Sunday - 14:01+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
7170MicroMax UKAMEY OttoPrivateerRace 12 - FinalSunday - 13:58+10s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.1 Art.1.14 - Contravention of flag signal during the race (+10s) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.1 Art.1.14 - Contravention of flag signal during the race (+10s)
7033Senior RotaxFOSTER ElliotXKartRace 11 - B FinalSunday - 13:49+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6911MiniMax 950OMAN AustinSam Pollitt RacingRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6921MiniMax 950JEBSON NoahPrivateerRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6929MiniMax 950MCFARLANE NoahPrivateerRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6952MiniMax 950RUBERTO MariaKR-SportRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6958MiniMax 950MATICHECCHIA LucaRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:57+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6815Junior RotaxGUIRGUIS AlexanderPrivateerRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 13:451 Lap download
Statement: Final instructions - The Full circuit must be used at all times | Reason: Final instructions - The Full circuit must be used at all times
6735MiniMax 950RACKAITIS RalphZip Factory TeamRace 13 - Final Sunday - 13:35+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
66GPSenior X30GERAGHTY CianGeraghty MotorsportRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 13:35 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
6596MicroMax UKSTUBBS Albi-JaySam Pollitt RacingRace 12 - FinalSunday - 13:21+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6411Senior X30BROWN JoeyFusion MotorsportRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 13:35 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
6312MicroMax UKALGAR HenryRace 12 - FinalSunday - 13:21+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6328MicroMax UKBLACKSHAW FreddieRace 12 - FinalSunday - 13:21+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6211Senior X30BROWN JoeyFusion MotorsportRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 13:21 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
6116MicroMax UKCRAWFORD SebastianRace 12 - FinalSunday - 13:16+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6030Senior RotaxTYLER RossJAXX MotorsportRace 11 - B FinalSunday - 13:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
6033Senior RotaxFOSTER ElliotXKartRace 11 - B FinalSunday - 13:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
60359Senior RotaxPOSSIK LucaStrawberry RacingRace 11 - B FinalSunday - 13:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
5926Senior RotaxRICHARDS EuanJAXX MotorsportRace 11 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5818Junior RotaxKOHLER SamPrivateerRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
5821Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
58122Junior RotaxTURECEK AdamPrivateerRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
58202Junior RotaxSURTEES ElliottRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
58223Junior RotaxCAIN ZacXKartRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:58+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
5744Junior X30KHERA SukhmaniFusion MotorsportRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:53DSQ download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.14 - Contravention of flag signal, black flag ignored (Race DSQ) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.14 - Contravention of flag signal, black flag ignored (Race DSQ)
5621Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:42+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
55202Junior RotaxSURTEES ElliottRace 10 - B FinalSunday - 12:42+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
548Water SwiftWILLIAMS HarryFusion MotorsportRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 12:33+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5336Senior X30LÂESTRANGE TheoBMRRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 12:29+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
5393Senior X30LASK AaronRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 12:29+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
5296Senior X30QUARTERMAINE GeorgeCroc PromotionRace 9 - Prefinal Sunday - 12:29+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5133Water SwiftHIBBERT MaysonFusion MotorsportRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 12:24+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5023Water SwiftFONGE ZavierEvolve MotorsportRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 12:24 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
4871Junior X30MASON MaxRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:17+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4723Junior X30SALES NoahS8 RacingRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4732Junior X30CARLTON-SENIOR LeandroOptimaRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4786Junior X30SHENTON Rocco-LeonRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
47122Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
47159Junior X30WYLIE AlexS8 RacingRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:10+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
46122Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
4581Junior X30ENDACOTT MaxJade Racing TeamRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
44122Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 8 - PrefinalSunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
4319Water SwiftMEASURES KnightPrivateerRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 11:52+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4377Water SwiftHOUSE GeorgeXcel MotorsportRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 11:52+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4382Water SwiftCLARKE HenryRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 11:52+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4384Water SwiftBROOKS MasonFusion MotorsportRace 7 - PrefinalSunday - 11:52+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4215MiniMax 950MAIR AlfieSFR MotorsportRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:44+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
4129MiniMax 950MCFARLANE NoahPrivateerRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4152MiniMax 950RUBERTO MariaKR-SportRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4165MiniMax 950BARTON OliverRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4169MiniMax 950GILMAN MaxMLCRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4199MiniMax 950WEST ElijahPrivateerRace 6 - Prefinal Sunday - 11:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
4040MicroMax UKWOODHALL OliverStrawberry RacingRace 5 - PrefinalSunday - 11:41+10s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (+10 seconds) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (+10 seconds)
3962MicroMax UKUZUNOV DimitarPrivateerRace 5 - PrefinalSunday - 11:13+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3977MicroMax UKMURPHY TeddyPrivateerRace 5 - PrefinalSunday - 11:13+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3872MicroMax UKGAMBLE ArloSam Pollitt RacingRace 5 - PrefinalSunday - 11:13+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.5 Art.1.29 - Breaking Formation (+5s)
3730Senior RotaxTYLER RossJAXX MotorsportRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3757Senior RotaxANTROBUS WilliamSam Pollitt RacingRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3769Senior RotaxINGRAM FreddieKR-SportRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3778Senior RotaxFISHER JakeDan Holland RacingRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
37126Senior RotaxFOX JoePrecision RacingRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
37333Senior RotaxVAN WIJK YortDan Holland RacingRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3673Junior RotaxTOMENCHUK VladKR-SportRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+10s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (+10 seconds) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.8 - Causing a collision (+10 seconds)
3518Senior RotaxADAMS-ACTON AlexPrivateerRace 4 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:54+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
34195Junior RotaxWOOLFITT CharlieMLCRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:41+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.6 - Leaving the track without justifiable reason (track limits) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.2.6 - Leaving the track without justifiable reason
3333Senior RotaxFOSTER ElliotXKartRace 3 - Prefinal ASunday - 10:35+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3356Senior RotaxKING MarcusPrivateerRace 3 - Prefinal ASunday - 10:35+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3362Senior RotaxMCGILVRAY MacKraft MotorsportRace 3 - Prefinal ASunday - 10:35+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
3273Senior RotaxRENNIE TristanKraft MotorsportRace 3 - Prefinal ASunday - 10:28+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
3142Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingWarm UpSunday - 10:27 download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock (£100 fine) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock
3019Junior RotaxFRIEND AlbertStrawberry RacingWarm UpSunday - 10:27 download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock (£100 fine) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock
2915Junior RotaxGUIRGUIS AlexanderPrivateerRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2920Junior RotaxKILPATRICK DanielPrivateerRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2936Junior RotaxLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2940Junior RotaxSUTTON CharlesPrivateerRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2942Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2951Junior RotaxMOULTON NoahColes RacingRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2978Junior RotaxFREEMAN HarryPrivateerRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
29113Junior RotaxPAUL SameerRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:27+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2839Junior RotaxBENNETT DejaunRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:09+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
27232Junior RotaxBISHOP RileyXKartRace 2 - Prefinal BSunday - 10:08+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
26227Junior RotaxSTEWART KieranPrivateerWarm UpSunday - 10:08 download
Statement: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock (£100 fine) | Reason: Ch.18 App.7 Art.1.17 - Running of engines in the paddock
2521Junior RotaxCASTRO JoaoIPK Racing UKRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2524Junior RotaxCOLLINGE BaileyColes RacingRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2525Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryPrivateerRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2561Junior RotaxARCHER WilliamSam Pollitt RacingRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25118Junior RotaxCHALK JensonMLCRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25162Junior RotaxSADIQ HaarniKR-SportRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25202Junior RotaxSURTEES ElliottRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25218Junior RotaxKHAN HasnainHunter MotorsportRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25223Junior RotaxCAIN ZacXKartRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
25238Junior RotaxSUMNER LewisXKartRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:56+5s download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (+5s)
2425Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryPrivateerRace 1 - Prefinal ASunday - 09:48+5s download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage +5s | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
235Senior X30BIRD LewisBMRTimed QualiSaturday - 16:461 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled)
22231Junior X30CRAUGHWELL JackPrivateerTimed QualiSaturday - 16:33 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
2196Water SwiftCAREY IanPrivateerTimed QualiSaturday - 16:141 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled)
2040MicroMax UKWOODHALL OliverStrawberry RacingTimed QualiSaturday - 16:07DSQ download
Statement: Ch.2 App.8 - Scrutineering Non Compliance (Race DSQ) | Reason: Ch.2 App.8 - Scrutineering Non Compliance (Race DSQ)
1967Junior RotaxDIXON-COEN JoelGWRTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:59 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
18122Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaTimed QualiSaturday - 15:581 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
1784Water SwiftBROOKS MasonFusion MotorsportTimed QualiSaturday - 15:541 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
1625Junior RotaxRUSSELL HarryPrivateerTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:51 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
15GPJunior RotaxCRANHAM RileySynergy Factory TeamTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:451 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled)
1451MiniMax 950CLARK SebastianSynergy Factory TeamTimed QualiSaturday - 15:431 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
1312MicroMax UKALGAR HenryTimed QualiSaturday - 15:341 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
1377MicroMax UKMURPHY TeddyPrivateerTimed QualiSaturday - 15:341 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
1233Senior RotaxFOSTER ElliotXKartTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:271 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
11122Junior RotaxTURECEK AdamPrivateerTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:271 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
10199Junior RotaxOWEN RhysGuy Cunnington RacingTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:261 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled) | Reason: Ch.18 App.8 Art.18.2 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing (Best Lap Cancelled)
9113Junior RotaxPAUL SameerTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:261 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled) | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage (best lap cancelled)
842Water SwiftCLARKE GeorgeOMS KartingPractice 4Saturday - 15:26 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
7218Junior RotaxKHAN HasnainHunter MotorsportPractice 4Saturday - 14:25 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
6188Junior RotaxLOVATT ArchieSam Pollitt RacingPractice 3Saturday - 13:20 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
562Junior RotaxDENHOLM ColeDan Holland RacingPractice 3Saturday - 12:32 download
Statement: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: Ch.2.Ann.A Art.1.5 - Gaining an unfair advantage
427Senior X30DICKENS EnzoPrivateerPractice 1Saturday - 11:02 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
342Water SwiftCLARKE GeorgeOMS KartingPractice 1Saturday - 10:50 download
Statement: No Further Action | Reason: No Further Action
© Apex Timing 2012-2025