TVKC Championship 2023 Round 4

1 Jul. 2023 - 2 Jul. 2023

#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
8655Junior RotaxTRUEMAN BrandonStrawberry RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:46+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
8583Junior RotaxTURNBULL JoshuaDan Holland RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:21DSQ download
Statement: U17.29 - Underweight | Reason: U17.29 - Underweight
8421Senior RotaxRIPPIN CharlieMLCRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:09DSQ download
Statement: U17.29 - Underweight | Reason: U17.29 - Underweight
83133Senior RotaxBROWN LeoJAXX MotorsportRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:09DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag (ignored more than once) | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag
82141Junior RotaxHARE LloydTeam EvolutionRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
8189Junior RotaxHARRIS JamesPrivateerRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
8197Junior RotaxOSMAN-PRICE LucaProject One RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
81117Junior RotaxCROWTHER HarrisonColes RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
81132Junior RotaxBAKER BenjaminDan Holland RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
81159Junior RotaxBLANTFORD LucasSodi VitesseRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
81222Junior RotaxFOX-WHITELEY JaredJAXX MotorsportRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
80273Junior RotaxKOCIOLEK JamesPrivateerRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7982Junior RotaxCARNEY EthanColes RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7897Junior RotaxOSMAN-PRICE LucaProject One RacingRace 26 - FinalSunday - 17:05+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
779Junior X30GERAGHTY CianMDLRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:47 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
7680Senior RotaxLAWRENSON HughMick Barrett RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
76183Senior RotaxSUTHERLAND NicoleTooley MotorsportRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
76199Senior RotaxPEMBLE WilliamTooley MotorsportRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
75122Senior X30STANSFIELD TyPrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
7421Water SwiftMUSK HarleyFusion MotorsportRace 22 - FinalSunday - 16:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7319Senior X30COX JackMDLRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
7322Senior X30LEWIS SamEvolve MotorsportRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
7326Senior X30BINGHAM ChristopherS8 RacingRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
7360Senior X30JONES CharlieS8 RacingRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
73107Senior X30POWELL HarveyPrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
72111Junior X30BROWN JoeyPrivateerRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:20+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
7182MiniMax 950RADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingRace 20 - FinalSunday - 16:03 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
7053Water Swift (R)LUCAS EthanPrivateerRace 21 - FinalSunday - 15:37+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6921Water Swift (R)LI LinghanFusion MotorsportRace 21 - FinalSunday - 15:35+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6825MiniMax 950LUCIA EllaStrawberry RacingRace 20 - FinalSunday - 15:22+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
6890MiniMax 950PAUL SameerStrawberry RacingRace 20 - FinalSunday - 15:22+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
67244Junior X30ILIFFE JackToby George MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6615MicroMax UKLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
6618MicroMax UKCHALK JensonMLCRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
6626MicroMax UKRADCLIFFE HarrySam Pollitt RacingRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
6631MicroMax UKFARRER DaxColes RacingRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
6683MicroMax UKCLIMO GeorgeColes RacingRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
65124Senior RotaxBARTHORPE MylesSam Pollitt RacingRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 15:05+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
6422MicroMax UKMURRO RileySam Pollitt RacingRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:01+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
63236Junior RotaxTOMENCHUK VladPrivateerRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
62135Junior RotaxPRITCHARD JensonPrivateerRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
6180Junior RotaxMCDONALD ZacJDRRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
6011Junior RotaxCAMERON HenryUltimate RRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
59111Junior X30BROWN JoeyPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 15:00 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
58EJunior X30MIMASSI Hady-NoahEvolve MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 15:00 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
5711Junior RotaxCAMERON HenryUltimate RRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5695Junior RotaxBROWNE JohnSam Pollitt RacingRace 18 - B FinalSunday - 14:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
55205Senior RotaxPATTRICK JoshuaGMSRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5481Senior X30MORRIS RichardPrivateerRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:39DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
5360Water Swift (R)CARTER RonnieFusion MotorsportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:34DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
5246Water Swift (R)DAVIDSON AlfieFusion MotorsportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:34DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
5131Senior RotaxCOOKE BenGMSRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
5061Water SwiftCHAMPNEY ZacPrivateerRace 13 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:34 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
49152Junior RotaxBAKER JackTeam EvolutionRace 14 - Heat 3Sunday - 14:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
4820Senior RotaxADAMS-ACTON AlexanderJAXX MotorsportRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4827Senior RotaxTILSED JamieColes RacingRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4868Senior RotaxHOLGATE AlexGMSRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
48183Senior RotaxSUTHERLAND NicoleTooley MotorsportRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
48228Senior RotaxSTEPHEN CraigPrivateerRace 17 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4777Senior X30GREGORY HenryJamie Green RacingRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
46226Junior RotaxHESLOP ZacTeam EvolutionRace 14 - Heat 3Sunday - 14:12 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
4594Water SwiftBROWN AlfiePrivateerRace 13 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:061 Lap download
Statement: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety | Reason: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety
4423Senior X30FERROL AndrewPrivateerRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:58+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4357Junior X30EDMUNDS CameronPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
42152Junior RotaxBAKER JackTeam EvolutionRace 14 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
41244Junior X30ILIFFE JackToby George MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4029Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyPrivateerRace 14 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
4095Junior RotaxBROWNE JohnSam Pollitt RacingRace 14 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
3957MiniMax 950HINDS FinlayColes RacingRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:391 Lap download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
3863MicroMax UKTAYLOR HarryDan Holland RacingRace 10 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:09 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
3711Water SwiftNAYYAR AaryanToby George MotorsportRace 13 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
3693Water Swift (R)HODGES NathanielPrivateerRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:09+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
3539MicroMax UKBRADSHAW TheoZip Factory TeamRace 10 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:09DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: DSQ from race due to scrutineering non-compliance - Float level height incorrect karting yearbook p14 B4.2.3
34199Senior RotaxPEMBLE WilliamTooley MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
3388Water Swift (R)CLARKE KatieToby George MotorsportRace 12 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:55+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
3276MiniMax 950ALI HarisJDRRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
3280MiniMax 950KHAN HasnainHunter MotorsportRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
31149Senior RotaxOTTO JamesGMSRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:47+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
3043MiniMax 950BURTON MylesKMSRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
29194Senior RotaxSCOTT SonniPrivateerRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:36 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
2883MicroMax UKCLIMO GeorgeColes RacingRace 10 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2799Junior RotaxTURNER ZachHunter MotorsportRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
2692Senior RotaxBERESFORD LudwigColes RacingRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
26142Senior RotaxHEARSEY BenPrivateerRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
26149Senior RotaxOTTO JamesGMSRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
26183Senior RotaxSUTHERLAND NicoleTooley MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2512Water SwiftACKERMAN JensenFusion MotorsportRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
2411Junior RotaxCAMERON HenryUltimate RRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2473Junior RotaxHEYWOOD RegColes RacingRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2480Junior RotaxMCDONALD ZacJDRRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2489Junior RotaxHARRIS JamesPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
24214Junior RotaxSMITH IggieJDRRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
23159Junior RotaxBLANTFORD LucasSodi VitesseRace 8 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
2224Junior X30BIRD LewisMad Croc PromotionsRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
2177Senior X30GREGORY HenryJamie Green RacingRace 7 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
2044MicroMax UKSMITH LucienProject One East AngliaRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
1925MiniMax 950LUCIA EllaStrawberry RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
1833MicroMax UKMACANDREW-UREN EmersonDan Holland RacingRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
1719Junior X30DIMBLEBEE EddieJamie Green RacingRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1743Junior X30HAYE EmmanuelPrivateerRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1772Junior X30OWEN-DRAWBRIDGE JackPrivateerRace 6 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:32+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1676MiniMax 950ALI HarisJDRRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:21+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start
1582Junior RotaxCARNEY EthanColes RacingRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:13+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
1493Water Swift (R)HODGES NathanielPrivateerRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:58+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1318Junior RotaxNEAVE OwenPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:58 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
1264MiniMax 950VELICKO IlyaPrivateerRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1282MiniMax 950RADCLIFFE LouisSam Pollitt RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1290MiniMax 950PAUL SameerStrawberry RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:49+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1185MicroMax UKCLIMO TommyColes RacingRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:39+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing.
1029Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:29+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. *5 Seconds*
1049Junior RotaxRICHARDS EuanPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:29+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. *5 Seconds*
10159Junior RotaxBLANTFORD LucasSodi VitesseRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:29+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing. *5 Seconds*
925MicroMax UKCLEARY OtisJDRTimed Quali 3Saturday - 17:131 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an unfair advantage
815MiniMax 950JOHNSTONE NatArgenti MotorsportTimed Quali 4Saturday - 17:081 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race
749MiniMax 950EDWARDS NathanSynergy Factory TeamTimed Quali 4Saturday - 17:08 download
Statement: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action | Reason: Stewards Investigation / No Further Action
633MicroMax UKMACANDREW-UREN EmersonDan Holland RacingTimed Quali 3Saturday - 16:55DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.9 - Abusive language, behaviour or assault (DSQ from race) | Reason: C1.1.9 - Abusive language, behaviour or assault
515MicroMax UKLEUSCH SebastienSam Pollitt RacingTimed Quali 3Saturday - 16:161 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: c2.3.4/u17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4/U17.5.5 - Incorrectley postion front fairing
216Water SwiftRICHARDSON AaronFusion MotorsportPractice 2Saturday - 13:33DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety (DSQ from Meeting) | Reason: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety
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