TVKC Championship Round 2

4 May. 2024 - 5 May. 2024

#TitlePosting Time

Final Instructions

Final instructions for the Event, any amendments via event bulletin

Thursday - 09:45 download

Event Timetable

Any amendments to be via event bulletin

Thursday - 09:45 download
#No.CategoryDriverEntrantHeatPosting TimePenalty
11288MiniMax 950STARBUCK ZacZip Factory TeamRace 21 - FinalThursday - 16:50DSQ download
Statement: C4.2.6 - Exhaust System (Karting Yearbook), non-compliant (DSQ from race) | Reason: C4.2.6 - Exhaust System (Karting Yearbook), non-compliant (DSQ from Race)
111120Senior X30HOUBEN MeesJade Racing TeamRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:16+10s download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal during the Race
11036Senior X30ROFFE HarveyTWMRace 25 - FinalSunday - 17:161 Lap download
Statement: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times (Final instructions + SR's) | Reason: Drivers must use the full circuit at all times
109226Junior RotaxLESLIE FinnZip Factory TeamRace 24 - FinalSunday - 17:02 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
10889Junior X30HARRIS JamesMDLRace 22 - FinalSunday - 17:02DSQ download
Statement: Drivers briefing - Using tools on the dummy grid | Reason: Disqualification from the session due working on the kart whilst on the dummy grid, (drivers brief)
107277Senior RotaxKORDAL LorenzoZip Factory TeamRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:51DSQ download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Penalty given for driver causing a collision with kart 257 DSQ from the race (the black flag was issured on the last lap of the race)
10630Senior RotaxPERILLY JamieJAXX MotorsportRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:51+10s download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
10599Senior RotaxELLINGHAM LucasJDRRace 23 - FinalSunday - 16:51+10s download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
104120Senior X30HOUBEN MeesJade Racing TeamRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10336Senior X30ROFFE HarveyTWMRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race
10227Senior X30LLOYD FreddieFusion MotorsportRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
10129Senior X30TILLETT ArchiePF InternationalRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10133Senior X30ELDRIDGE HaydnBMRRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10142Senior X30COTTRELL HarryS8 RacingRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10178Senior X30DEGLAU DovydasPrivateerRace 25 - FinalSunday - 16:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
10057Junior X30EDMUNDS CameronPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 16:29DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety - retaliation or intentional contact/contact after the Chequered Flag (DSQ from Meeting) | Reason: C1.1.5 - Driving in a manner incompatible with general safety - retaliation or intentional contact/contact after the Chequered Flag
99159Junior X30WYLIE AlexPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 16:29+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9817Junior RotaxNEAVE OwenJDRRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
98177Junior RotaxHOLLAND HarryPrivateerRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:12+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
97142Junior RotaxSIMMS-EZARD RileyStrawberry RacingRace 24 - FinalSunday - 16:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9671Junior X30CREED MaisyPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:551 Lap download
Statement: Failure to use the full circuit (Final instructions) | Reason: The driver of kart 71 used the cut through at post 5 on a roll up lap, failing to complete the full circuit as per the final instructions
9530Senior RotaxPERILLY JamieJAXX MotorsportRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95136Senior RotaxMERICA LouisUltimate RRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95144Senior RotaxKACZMARCZYK StefanPrivateerRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95180Senior RotaxTUBBY ConnorPrivateerRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95191Senior RotaxHARTLEY LiamJDRRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
95257Senior RotaxHEADING SamRace 23 - FinalSunday - 15:55+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94GPJunior X30ORRIDGE TaylorPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
9441Junior X30COPLEY BarneyS8 RacingRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
9457Junior X30EDMUNDS CameronPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
9458Junior X30BRANSTON SamuelPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
9495Junior X30FORREST HamishArgenti MotorsportRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94122Junior X30BROOK JakePrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94125Junior X30PARKER SkyeArgenti MotorsportRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94146Junior X30MOORE MorganPremium KartingRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94159Junior X30WYLIE AlexPrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94287Junior X30FENTON MaxMDLRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
94221Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
93122Junior X30BROOK JakePrivateerRace 22 - FinalSunday - 15:41+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
9211Water SwiftGRAHAM CallumPrivateerRace 19 - FinalSunday - 15:16+5s download
Statement: Q12.21.1 - Abnormal change of direction | Reason: The driver of kart 11 made an abnormal change of direction after the chequred flag, hindering the driver next to him. 5 second penalty
9193Water SwiftSTEWART JohnstonRace 19 - FinalSunday - 14:54+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
8944Water SwiftNAYYAR AaryanEvolve MotorsportRace 19 - FinalSunday - 14:54+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
8814Water SwiftNARRAWAY LucaEvolve MotorsportRace 19 - FinalSunday - 14:54+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
8769Senior RotaxWEAVER LewieGMSRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:42 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
8661Water SwiftCHAMPNEY ZacPrivateerRace 19 - FinalSunday - 14:54+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
8582Water SwiftCLARKE HenryRace 19 - FinalSunday - 14:54+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
84111Senior X30LEWIS DaelPrivateerRace 18 - RepechageSunday - 14:54+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
83213Junior X30MOWAT JackPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:27DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
82213Junior X30MOWAT JackPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:27DSQ download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag (ignored more than once) | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal - Black flag
8128Senior RotaxCLARKE NeoTooley MotorsportRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 14:27 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
80157Senior X30JUREWICZ PiotrPrivateerRace 18 - RepechageSunday - 14:27+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7958Junior X30BRANSTON SamuelPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
7830Junior RotaxKLER EdwardMLCRace 17 - RepechageSunday - 14:10+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
77287Junior X30FENTON MaxMDLRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:001 Lap download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7650MiniMax 950KALLENBERG AriStrawberry RacingRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:00 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
75277Senior RotaxKORDAL LorenzoZip Factory TeamRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
7453Senior RotaxKINDER CallumUltimate RRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:00+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
7327Senior X30LLOYD FreddieFusion MotorsportRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:44+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
72224Senior RotaxGOLSBY ScottJDRRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
71191Senior RotaxHARTLEY LiamJDRRace 16 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7028Junior X30MARPLES JacobPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7041Junior X30COPLEY BarneyS8 RacingRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7075Junior X30SPEARING Thomas-MinhArgenti MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7076Junior X30NURNBERGER ZephJade Racing TeamRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7078Junior X30KHAN LaithJade Racing TeamRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7095Junior X30FORREST HamishArgenti MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
7094Junior X30BROWN AlfieRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
70159Junior X30WYLIE AlexPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
70175Junior X30YUILL MaxPrivateerRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
70287Junior X30FENTON MaxMDLRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
70221Junior X30MYERS CharlieOptimaRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
70125Junior X30PARKER SkyeArgenti MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6995Junior X30FORREST HamishArgenti MotorsportRace 15 - Heat 2Sunday - 14:00+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
6812Junior X30ISLIN LewisJade Racing TeamRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 13:19+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start
6711Junior X30BROWN JoeyFusion MotorsportRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 13:19+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start | Reason: U7.8.2 - Accelerating early before race start
6635Junior RotaxBRIDGEN DanielIPK Racing UKRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 13:19DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
6532MiniMax 950MEW AlfiePrivateerRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:19+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6438MiniMax 950VELICKO IlyaMsport KartingRace 14 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:19+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
6326CadetsANDREW ZachRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 13:19+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
6214Senior X30MORRISON-JONES CharlieRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 13:08+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
6124Senior RotaxPRICHARD CharlieUltimate RRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 13:07 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
6023Senior X30FERROL AndrewPrivateerRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6027Senior X30LLOYD FreddieFusion MotorsportRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6081Senior X30PRICE JamesS8 RacingRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
6087Senior X30ROBINSON AlbieRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
60120Senior X30HOUBEN MeesJade Racing TeamRace 13 - Heat 3Sunday - 12:57+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
59122Junior X30BROOK JakePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:551 Lap download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
5840Junior RotaxGARTHWAITE OakleyHunter MotorsportRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:48+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5896Junior RotaxJAMIESON FletcherJAXX MotorsportRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:48+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
58100Junior RotaxSOUTHAN BlakeJDRRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:48+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
58224Junior RotaxFLEWITT JakePrivateerRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:48+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
5746Junior X30DE BENEDITTIS AlexanderSWRDRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:44+10s download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
5675Junior X30SPEARING Thomas-MinhArgenti MotorsportRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:31DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
5530Junior RotaxKLER EdwardMLCRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:37+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
5443Junior RotaxGILL RyanEvolve MotorsportRace 12- Heat 3Sunday - 12:37+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
5396Junior X30QUARTERMAINE GeorgePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:28+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
5231CadetsPOOLEY RexRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:22+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
5122CadetsWILLIAMS-MABBS LouisRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:22+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
5012CadetsALGAR HenryPrivateerRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:22+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
4928CadetsSARLAS AlessandroJade Racing TeamRace 11 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:22+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
4857MiniMax 950HINDS FinlayPrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:22 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
4723Water SwiftFONGE ZavierEvolve MotorsportRace 10 - Heat 2Sunday - 12:14+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4671MiniMax 950BRASKOV MaximilianZip Factory TeamRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:101 Lap download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ)
4553Senior RotaxKINDER CallumUltimate RRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
45144Senior RotaxKACZMARCZYK StefanPrivateerRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
45180Senior RotaxTUBBY ConnorPrivateerRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
45224Senior RotaxGOLSBY ScottJDRRace 9 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:04+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4496Junior X30QUARTERMAINE GeorgePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
4322MiniMax 950JEBSON NoahRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:54 download
Statement: No Futher Action | Reason: No Further Action
4228Junior X30MARPLES JacobPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4257Junior X30EDMUNDS CameronPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4276Junior X30NURNBERGER ZephJade Racing TeamRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4296Junior X30QUARTERMAINE GeorgePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
42122Junior X30BROOK JakePrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
42125Junior X30PARKER SkyeArgenti MotorsportRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
42159Junior X30WYLIE AlexPrivateerRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
42287Junior X30FENTON MaxMDLRace 8 - Heat 1Sunday - 12:02+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4126CadetsANDREW ZachRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:54 download
Statement: C1.1.8 - Misbehaviour or unfair practice | Reason: C1.1.8 - Misbehaviour or unfair practice
4037Senior X30OWEN OliverS8 RacingRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4072Senior X30MORROW HarrisonKlaassen MotorsportRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
4087Senior X30ROBINSON AlbieRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
40122Senior X30STANSFIELD TyRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
40178Senior X30MORRIS AnnaRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3965Senior X30YUILL HarryPrivateerRace 7 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
3838MiniMax 950VELICKO IlyaMsport KartingRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:33+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
3726CadetsANDREW ZachRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:25DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
3699Junior RotaxTURNER ZachRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
35137Junior RotaxWHITFIELD-BIRD. DanielUltimate RRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
3313Junior RotaxPAUL SameerZip Factory TeamRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3335Junior RotaxBRIDGEN DanielIPK Racing UKRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3379Junior RotaxCOOPER TeddieRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3387Junior RotaxTHOMPSON AlfieTeam EvolutionRace 6 - Heat 2Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3222CadetsWILLIAMS-MABBS LouisRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:23DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from race) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
3132MiniMax 950MEW AlfiePrivateerRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:23+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
3038MiniMax 950VELICKO IlyaMsport KartingRace 5 - Heat 1Sunday - 11:09+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
2944Water SwiftNAYYAR AaryanEvolve MotorsportRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:56+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
2854CadetsBEDFORD FinleyRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:51+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2743Senior X30STILP OliverRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:48DSQ download
Statement: U17.29 - Underweight | Reason: U17.29 - Underweight
2627Senior X30LLOYD FreddieFusion MotorsportRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:48DSQ download
Statement: U17.29 - Underweight | Reason: U17.29 - Underweight
2577Senior X30GREGORY HenryPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:48+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
2426CadetsANDREW ZachRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:48+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
2362CadetsUZUNOV DimitarGMSRace 4 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:48+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
2227Water SwiftROSSI ThomasS8 RacingRace 3 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:32+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2177Senior X30GREGORY HenryPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:21+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
2023Senior X30FERROL AndrewPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:24+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2065Senior X30YUILL HarryPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:24+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2072Senior X30MORROW HarrisonKlaassen MotorsportRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:24+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
2093Senior X30LASK AaronPrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:24+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
19273Senior X30ECHBERG RylanNone/PrivateerRace 2 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:21+3s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 2 wheels outside of corridor
1829Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1723Junior RotaxJONES FinleyPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
1729Junior RotaxFOWLER CoreyRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
1730Junior RotaxKLER EdwardMLCRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
1772Junior RotaxNEALE JoeMLCRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
17100Junior RotaxSOUTHAN BlakeJDRRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
17137Junior RotaxWHITFIELD-BIRD. DanielUltimate RRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
17170Junior RotaxHAASE AshleyPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
17177Junior RotaxHOLLAND HarryPrivateerRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
17222Junior RotaxFOX-WHITELEY JaredJAXX MotorsportRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:15+5s download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - 5 second penalty
1618Junior RotaxMURDOCK BraithKMSRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:06+5s download
Statement: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage | Reason: C2.3.2 - Gaining an Unfair Advantage
1530Junior RotaxKLER EdwardMLCRace 1 - Heat 1Sunday - 10:06+5s download
Statement: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor | Reason: U7.8.2 - Breaking formation before race start - 4 wheels outside of corridor
1473Senior RotaxOWEN OliverGMSTimed Quali Saturday - 17:09DSQ download
Statement: U12.1.1 - Scrutineering card not submitted within time (spec. in final instructions) | Reason: U12.1.1 - Scrutineering card not submitted within time (spec. in final instructions)
1349MiniMax 950EDWARDS NathanPrivateerTimed Quali Saturday - 17:021 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race | Reason: C1.1.6 - Contravention of flag signal before or after the race
1257MiniMax 950HINDS FinlayPrivateerTimed Quali Saturday - 16:59DSQ download
Statement: Q12.21.4 - Causing a collision, Repetition of serious mistakes, or A lack of control (Race/TQ) | Reason: Penalty given for driver 57 for a collision at the pit entry after the TQ session. The decision of the stewards is DSQ from Timed Qualifying.
1195MiniMax 950DAS HarperTimed Quali Saturday - 16:51DSQ download
Statement: U12.1.1 - Scrutineering card not submitted within time (spec. in final instructions) | Reason: U12.1.1 - Scrutineering card not submitted within time (spec. in final instructions)
1080Senior X30MORRIS RichardTimed Quali 1Saturday - 16:29DSQ download
Statement: Using tools on the dummy grid (SR's 5.12.2) | Reason: Disqualification from the session due to tools being used on the dummy grid (SR 5.12.2)
940Junior RotaxGARTHWAITE OakleyHunter MotorsportTimed Quali 2Saturday - 16:22DSQ download
Statement: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible (DSQ from TQ) | Reason: C3.1.1 - Scrutineering non-compliance report, vehicle or component ineligible
861Senior X30FRANCIS LewisPrivateerTimed Quali 2Saturday - 16:071 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
765Senior X30YUILL HarryPrivateerTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:561 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
777Senior X30GREGORY HenryPrivateerTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:561 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
613Junior RotaxPAUL SameerZip Factory TeamTimed Quali 2Saturday - 15:411 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
5333Junior RotaxFALLON MaxJDRTimed Quali 1Saturday - 15:361 Best laps cancelled download
Statement: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing | Reason: C2.3.4 - Incorrectly positioned front fairing - Best Lap Cancelled
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